Energy Savings  

We track how much energy you save the company & environment during scheduled workdays. We continuousely track how many degrees you are above or below your company's baseline temperature profile (you get credit for being below the temperature in winter, and above in summer). For your company:

Acme Inc., the temperature baseline is the former desired temperature: 72°F from 7am to 7pm.

For example, if your office is set to 68°F for 9 hours during the day during a heating cycle (winter), and if the temperature in your office were 60°F at all other times, you would save:

Period Temp difference x length of time   Energy Savings
While in the office (72°F - 68°F) x 9 hrs 4°F x 9 hrs 36 °F Hrs
While not in the office (72°F - 60°F) x (12 hrs - 9 hrs) 12°F x 3 hrs 36 °F Hrs
Total Savings     72 °F Hrs

Reduce your energy usage when you are gone for lunch, a meeting, sales call, vacation, or sick day.

We will keep track of all energy you save each day, week, month, year, and ever since you became our customer. And we do the same thing with everyone in your company, so we can show how much energy you are saving relative to everyone else on your My Company page.

Unfortunately, we don't know how many barrels-of-oil you have saved, or how much you have reduced your utility bills*. But this does accurately measure how much of a sacrifice & effort you are making to save. So on behalf of the environment ... Thank You!

* we don't know if your office is big or small and how much heat is lost through outside walls, or how efficient your company HVAC equipment is, or the cost of electricity/fuel in your area

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