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Limitations & Requirements  
We solve virtually all temperature issues for all individuals in all workplaces with the following Limitations
  • Central Forced-Air heating/cooling systems only
    - not steam heat, space heaters, window air conditioners, heated floors, etc.
  • A single office with one register will be controlled to a single temperature. If two people share an area, they must agree to what temperature they mutually want
  • We cannot direct airflow after it leaves a register, so individuals in large work areas may not receive the exact temperatures they want, depending on:
    - temperature desires of others in surrounding cubes
    - number of registers in the room vs. the number of cubes, etc.
  • We will achieve results as good or better than any alternative; however, desired temperature control very occasionally might not be completely achieved due to limitations of your building
    - Ducts significantly undersized, and cannot carry needed volume of conditioned air
    - Conditions that overwhelm HVAC equipment, such as
    • outside doors left open
    • entire department/company packed on one small room for SRO meeting


  • Ols Controls must be applied to all registers controlled by a current thermostat. I.e., if one thermostat controls 4, 10 or 14 offices, then all 4, 10 or 14 offices must receive our service
  • One internet connection per current thermostat
    - Standard 10Base-T (greatly preferred)
    - Telephone line for dial-up
  • Any computer with Web access (e.g., the one you are using now), to input desired temperatures setpoints and to view actual temperatures
  • While we work with virtually all HVAC equipment and never use existing thermostats, other highly nonstandard equipment may require additional installation
  • Monthly payment by automatic withdrawal or credit card (or as arranged)

Requirements for Optional services

  • An email account to which to send automatic notifications for monitoring legacy HVAC equipment
  • Individual Humidity control is possible only if the HVAC duct(s) supplying a building area have Humidifier and/or Dehumidifier access
  • Fresh Air and/or Vent control is possible only if the HVAC duct(s) supplying a building area have Fresh Air and/or Vent access
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Eliminating the stress & distractions of physical discomfort enables employees to work longer, harder and smarter, giving the Company more productive work time.